Tuesday, December 8, 2015

And Away We Go...

I have been pretty absent since the beginning of this year.  Life with 2 little toddlers make sitting at the computer a little more difficult! But we have some super fun news to share!  

Norris is about to start his LAST semester of Law School and I could not be more thrilled.  I am so proud of all the hard work that Norris has put in these last 2 1/2 years and all that he has accomplished (like a 75 page paper), but I will be glad to have him back!!!   But enough about that....We are excited to announce that we are moving...     

He has been given the opportunity to have an internship with USaid in Washington D.C!!!!  We are so excited to see where the Lord might be taking us, but we are sad to leave South Bend.  We have had such a community of friends and family supporting us through the last year and a half, but we are so excited about this opportunity.  We could use some prayers as we make the move after Christmas.  Prayers that cars don't break down on our drives, prayers for Jovee as she adjusts to a new place, and prayers for Norris as he beginnings his last semester of school!!