Saturday, June 12, 2010

10 years

So today is my 10 year reunion from high school.  It is funny how fast and slow the time seems to have gone.  I can definitely say that I never thought I would be here.  The only thing I knew after graduation was that I was going to go to Bethel College.  After that I knew nothing.  I can say that these last 10 years have brought some amazing memories and joy along with many tears and frustrations... and I would not change a thing!  I am grateful for all of the situations the Lord has brought me through.  It is fun to see how he has changed my paths and tried to bring me back to him daily!

Graduation day 10 years ago!  Oh Charlie was the best dog ever!!!!!

What fun 4 years at Bethel to meet new girl friends!  They are such a gift from God!  He is so good to send us people that we can love with, cry with and laugh with!

There was this silly, awesome, fun, wonderful boy that came into my life that I am grateful has never left it!  This was our first date!  Yes we did draw each other!!!!!
He was always there to support me!  My Senior Recital 2004!

Then my parents moved to a new place in Michigan.  It was strange to know that I would not be going 
"home" to Petoskey anymore...But it was great to know that my family was just the same!

Then finally graduation day from Bethel came!
We were gifted with New Bethel Glasses.  After all the hard work......Uhhmmmm or something like that!
It seemed like time just flew by after graduation. From Graduation to Wedding DAY!The best day to Marry the man I love!
Hw then swept me off my feet and took me "far away from Home" to Atlanta Georgia!  We had a blast getting to know each other and learning how to love each other every day!
We loved going to Hockey games together and making quesadillas with our awesome Quesadilla maker!

After that adventure God brought us to Egypt where we have spent the last 2 years meeting awesome people from other parts of the world!

WOW I wonder what is going to happen during the next 10 years!!!!!!!  :-)  I can't wait to find out!!!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Camel Market

So Norris and I went to the Camel Market today.  There was a group of teachers that wanted to go so the school provided a bus.  Now we had heard this place was not for the faint of heart.... they do not treat the camels well.  These camels are all being sold for food.  They are not racing camels or camels that you would see at the pyramids.  Apparently people come from all over, Sudan, Saudi, and other places to buy these camels.  These camels are going to be the bottom, left over camels that were not bought at other market places.  Well needless to say it was an experience.  One that I am glad to say I will never do again.  I was actually trying to figure out how it is a tourist attraction.  We were not sure what about it said.."yes please come and watch us sell these camels..."

I think though through the whole process it was not the hitting of the camels that bothered me the most...It was the extreme CHAOS of the entire event.  The camels were running around and boys were hitting them with sticks to make them go the right direction.  My biggest fear suddenly became the fact that in a matter of time I WAS going to get trampled by camels.  THEY WERE HUGE.  I forget how tall camels are.  They really are large, strong, ornery animals.  Although I have to say if I was getting hit by a stick all the time I would probably make growling noises too!!!!!!!!

Norris thought these camels looked like they were auditioning for the Rockets!

I love that the camel is smiling at him!  I think that we should have bought that camel but they wanted a little more than we were willing to spend!

I just like this picture.  I could not do enough to show the chaos and crowds that were whirling behind us!

This is the area that the camels were getting auctioned off.  They would all stand around and yell and then they would mark the camel so they knew which family it was going to!

If you are interested the small young camels go for about 2000 LE...... Camel Anyone?