Monday, August 31, 2009

Running Again!!!!

Well I have decided that I am going to run a full marathon this year. Last year I ran a half marathon and it was crazy hard! I am glad I did it and I am not sure why I feel inspired to run a full one but it has been a dream for about 5 years so I figure I better get my act together!

So today was the start of the training. IT WAS BAD. I think it was the most polluted day we have had here in Cairo! What Luck! Oh well I was still able to do some! It was not as long as I wanted to but when it gets cooler outside it will get easier! It is nice though because Norris is training too and so are some of my closest friends here! We are going to either run one during the easter break or we are going to meet somewhere to run it this summer!!! OR MAYBE BOTH! I hope both! I figure if I am going to train I might as well do as many as I can to just get it over with!!!!!! No I really like running. I know it is strange to hear, if you know me at all! It is a great time to have some ALONE time! I really enjoy that time to just listen! I am not a good listener but I can try to listen then!!!!

More to come as the training continues!!! Oh and Plus I get to go to the pyramids tomorrow!!! I LOVE THIS JOB!!!

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