Thursday, February 21, 2013

Jovee's Version of Counting and Craziness

I know in most of my blogs I talk about each month as being the "most fun" month of all with Jovee.  Well this is not one of those.  Don't get me wrong I LOVE my baby girl and she amazes me every moment, but it has been a hard month.  21 months old and whinny and emotional and CRAZY!  It is not every moment of everyday.  But even if it is only 20 minutes out of the day, it is emotionally exhausting on this momma!  I am trying to teach her and make sure that she does not get away with spitting, biting, hitting, taking other peoples toys, not saying please and thank you, and just all the sweet little things that she does not know yet and she must be taught.  I feel like I can't really give an inch because with Jovee she would RUN with it!!! 

But then there are moments that you catch on video like this and you are reminded about why you work so hard and how fun it is to be a mommy!  I always tell Norris, I don't want to change her personality just use what she is and focus her!  She is sooooooo energetic and happy and beautiful and full of life and love and I hope that I can focus on those personality traits when she is struggling with something or being put in time out!  ;-)

It is a long video but I can't bring myself to crop it because it is just too funny!!!  ( I may be a little biased!)

(We must give credit to Molly for helping her count.  Her little friend has taught her so much.  Mommy has worked with her on it but there is just something about a child 3 months older doing it that makes her want to do it too!!!  ooh and she can now count 5-10 without encouragement....still not sure what has happened with 1-4!!!)

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