Saturday, October 19, 2013

Beginning Again

Well the chaos of the last few months is hopefully behind us, and I am starting to regain my sanity, so it is time to start blogging again!  Not too much has happened since March.  We moved out of Egypt, had a baby, our daughter turned 2, we moved to South Carolina, and then to Montana! Some day I may write about the fun 2 week move that we had to South Carolina but today is not that day. 

We are finally feeling settled in Montana.  I actually did not need to use the GPS to get to the store yesterday, progress!  Norris is getting into a grove with school and is already passed his mid-terms which he did awesome, of course, and now we are seeing the finish line of the first semester.  Seems a bit crazy but his last class is the day before Thanksgiving, then it is just studying and finals, you know those small things!  :-)

It really is beautiful here.  Not quite what I thought but I am getting used to it.  (I thought it would look more like Switzerland mountains, but these are pretty too!) 

Our life has been crazy since March, but we feel so at peace knowing God has been with us through it all directing us, sometimes shouting at us, until he got us where he wanted us!


  1. love the pictures! we have been out west the past few weeks and it is amazingly beautiful!! praying for you guys!

  2. have you guys been to Glacier National Park yet? It's Beautiful!
    -Laurie "Heckler" Rush
