Sunday, March 20, 2011

Preparing for Baby

So since I can't go to work right now I have had a lot of times on my hands.  I thought I would have a lot of time to catch up on things but the days have become quite full.  When I am not to busy I have begun to sew.  Now you can't judge me...I have never done anything like this before.

These are some overalls I made.  One of them is for a girl the other for a boy...since we do not know what we are having I had to make one of each.  The boys set turned out better because it was the second pair I made!

This is a little thing that goes on the crib that you put diapers in.  I like the polka-dots!!!  This was really hard for me to make.  There was a lot of stuff to do to make the sides fold in and there was a lot of ripping out seams and starting over!  But that is the great thing about can always start over!

I also made a little bag that can fit some wipes or other small random things that I can put in the diaper bag!

I also made some bibs for the baby....Now this was a really easy thing to make, but I love the material!!!!!!!
The last two things I made were burp cloths...  Again it was a very easy pattern but I love the material!

I think the little giraffe is my favorite!

I am now working on a quilt but that is going to take me a little bit longer!  I will add it when I finish but it might be the day before baby comes! 


  1. Adorable. You have excellent taste :)

  2. Very nice work, Angela!

  3. I am so proud of you, Ang! They look great and baby Ham will love them!!!

  4. I love all the materials you picked out. They are so beautiful. I am SO impressed.

  5. I am totally impressed. Good for you!

  6. You have made some very cute things, Angie girl!
