Saturday, October 29, 2011

Norris's Rice Cereal Jingle

This video was taken a while ago.  Norris and I were going through our stuff and we found this video and I realized I have not posted it.  Norris came up with an awesome jingle for Rice Cereal.  Jovee seemed to like it and the rice cereal!  I thought the song was pretty good for him coming up with it on the fly!!! 


Jovee Walking

Jovee walking (with her daddy holding her of course!!!!  Norris wants you all to know that he was not making her move...he was just holding her up!  As you can see she is quite clumsy!!!  She will get there some day....and as soon as she does I am sure we will wish she would just sit and play with her toys!!!!!!!


Thursday, October 27, 2011


Well it is that time, food time!  I am glad that we are in Egypt and veggies are really cheap!  I am excited for Jovee to start eating solid foods.  I am not sure she is as excited!

 I decided to start with Carrots because they are in abundance here and when I was pregnant Jovee really liked them!!!!!!!

When I started to blend the carrots Jovee went crazy....Note to self do not blend with her in the room!!!  We now have to make sure that Norris is in the other room playing with her so that she will not be scared!

The finished product!  The carrots and bananas!  I am not sure how she likes the bananas yet but she did NOT like the carrots!


Hopefully as time goes on she will learn to love carrots like her mom!!!

Fun kisses

Jovee has been making funny kissing noises....  I try to copy the noise back to her but  can't do the noise because I have teeth, but it is so cute.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

One Woman Band

Jovee was making enough noise the other day to be her own band! 


6 months

Jovee at 6 months old....

Smile: She still has a very cute teeth in that smile yet!

Ability to Laugh and Cry at the same time: Yes she still does she holds her breath and screams and then giggles...(if you can figure that out, let me know)
Determination: I am afraid that personality is going to have her crawling very soon!

Naps:  She is sleeping pretty good....all through the night!  I will take it!

Eating:  She hates we are going to start Avocados. 

Bath time:  She now likes to sit up and play with the bubbles

 Pictures: She is getting better with pictures.  She has learned that she needs to smile for the camera!

Excessive Slobber: I am afraid we are never going to know if she is teething or just being Jovee!


Singing:  she still loves to sing

Cairo Walks: She now gets very excited and giggles when we get out the carrier!!!  She is like a little puppy!!!  :-)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cairo Traffic

Well the other day Norris and I officially went insane.  I know you may say "that is not a long trip"but with the combination of things it finally happened.
First: We were coming home from school on a Wednesday eagerly waiting to see our daughter and we hit some bad traffic.  Now the thing about Cairo traffic is there really is no reason for the traffic.  You find yourself wondering why you are stuck but then 15-20 minutes later you are through the traffic and there did not seem to be a reason you were stopped.  That is why we always say..."never ask why".  Just go with the flow, which brings us to the second issue....

Second: The country of Egypt decided to change all the cell phone numbers in the country.  We are not really sure why, maybe they have run out of numbers.  It is very likely as there are 25 million people just in the city of Cairo and they all have a cell phone.  Not sure what is was but how they changed them did not make any sense.  Good thing our school sent out a little check list so we could find our number and see what they did to them. 

In order for us to remember our numbers Norris wrote a song.  As we were stopped in traffic for 20 minutes we decided to sing our song on the bus.....  Enjoy!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Are you ready for some Football????


Jovee is.....

 First we had to have a little time with Uncle Tim and Aunt Karen....


And of course we needed to have Cousin Courliss involved with us too...

 Norris setting up the contraption.  We were watching the Detroit game and the Green Bay game. 

Jovee just lounging in front of the T.V.

We watched the Lions game like I said and we must have jinxed them....They lost!  Next Sunday we will have to watch a different team and just cheer Detroit on in spirit!!!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Day at the Park

We spent a day at Alazhar park with some of our friends.  It was a beautiful day.  The sun was so bright and it was very green.  Green is not a color we get to see to often in Cairo so days like this are very special.

Mom it is very bright out here

The girls were hungry after all the time in the sun

 Family shot

       Molly!!!!!!!                                                                                            Your dress is so pretty

 Playing with our toys.  The girls were learning how to share.  It is never to early to start learning :-)

Oh...This toy is much bigger....

I was surprised that Molly just took it!  She never flinched or anything!  

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Jovee's Photo Shoot

The other day I dressed Jovee in some jeans we were given.  I fell in love with them.  She looked so cute and grown up!  So I decided that we needed to take a photo shoot.

 We started on the floor because we have to be
close to Mr. Monkey! 

 I just love her tongue in these...just like her daddy!  Sorry I got her feet a little blurry in this shot!

 We then moved to the couch, because she loves to sit up! 

                                                                                    Whats up guys???

 UM....does she not look JUST like her daddy?!?!?!          
                                                                                                      I love her little smile and dimples!

We then decided that we should take pictures of our Friday Church outfits!  The little flower was given to us by Grandma Ham and I think she is sooooo cute!

 Umm look at these things connected to me!                                          Jovee mommy is up here!!!

                                                                                   Just fun smiles!!!! 

                                                             Look at this pretty flower on my head mom...

I added these photos because yes as you are did end in her falling over.  She was so strong she pulled herself over!!!!