Thursday, October 13, 2011


We celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving on Monday with our Egyptian Family.  It is a wonderful tradition that we have had the privalege of attending for the last 3 years!!  If we ever leave Cairo I think we will have to fly back on Canadian Thanksgiving so that we can have the yummy food by Heidi and great company!!

Jovee getting some loving when she comes in the door.  She has the most kissable cheeks!


She loves her friend Molly!!! 

 The yummy food!  Heidi is the best cook and Thanksgiving meal is just awesome!  As you can see by Norris' plate he is enjoying it!!!  Oh my mouth is watering just thinking about it!!!!

Hanging out with Uncle Tim and Aunt Karen after the meal.... 

 Doing some tummy stretches to make room for dessert!

 Norris just snapped this photo without looking!  I love the expression on Molly's face!  She is soooo cute and ALWAYS seems to have a smile on her face!

 A little Thanksgiving tradition of Twister Dance while waiting for dessert!  Greg and Molly decided to give it a try!

 Fun family photos!  Poor Jovee had been awake since 2:30!  I think she did great for being so tired!!!!

 We then found a light-saber.  These photos are for my dad and brother Jeremy.  Yes we are starting her young to "have the force".  She had a unique way of holding the light-saber.  She stuck her thumb in the bottom of it so that she could hold it!!!


 Norris' surprise birthday cake.  It was a chocolate cake with snickers on the top!  Kinzi made it and it was delicious.  She takes after her mom in the cooking department.  Then of course there was all the other dessert!  YUM!!!!! It was so  good! 

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