CJ is VERY loud
Jovee is louder
Bottom Teeth + 5/ Mommy and CJ -5
I could spend hours in a Joanne Fabrics Store!
I can't wait until Christmas
I knew Mickey Mouse Club House was awesome, today they taught about Troubadours! YES!
I hate laundry!!! As soon as I am "finished" someone spits-up/pees/poops on their clothes or bed sheets
Umm..... no strange lady at the store, CJ and Jovee are NOT twins. In fact they are 2 years apart!!!! HA
I have been spoiled by my daughters love of words and talking, but I can't stand the WHINING!!!!!
I miss the smell of sandstorms, but I love the hills/mountains that surround us
I will cry when my Starbucks gift card is empty
I adore my 2 children and I would love many more
My husband is the best at reading books to Jovee (his voices are sooo funny!)
Cosco is my new best friend
Momma needs Chocolate!
I absolutely LOVE moments like these:
you are the best in keeping those far in your life!!